Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another Productive Day in San Diego!

After all the hubub of the day, it's finally quiet enough to get some thoughts put down on paper...er...I mean screen. Today was day 2 on the ground in San Diego, making final preparations for the certain deluge of delegates that will be registering tomorrow, and it was a great day to be sure.

As an aside, it's days like this that constantly amaze me. Not just the day, but, more specifically the large group of people who come together every two years to make each International Convention a success. Often between the host committees, staff, volunteers and international committee members you have a group of people who have rarely if ever met each other or worked together. Yet, when the time comes, they form a cohesive team that ensures a memorable convention for all.

Today, was another busy day for everyone. The committees were hard at work again, reviewing materials and taking action to ensure that everything goes well for our delegates. The board also spent the day in meetings with headquarters staff and committee members, giving input and background information on everything from the proposed resolutions to financial matters.

It's been a great day and tomorrow there will be some great photos from the registration, opening ceremonies and president's reception. Make sure to check back tomorrow to keep up on all the excitement!

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