Thursday, January 8, 2009

Webcams of Norway

Every morning before I come into the office I have a routine of:
  1. Wake up
  2. Remind myself why I'm awake at 4:30 a.m.
  3. Stumble about silently so I don't wake the wife or baby
  4. Make coffee
  5. Walk dog
  6. Surf the web
It's a pretty basic routine by most standards. The highlight of it being the daily excursion into the wilds of "teh interwebs." I use the StumbleUpon tool in my browser (if you've never used it, I highly reccomend it) and I often find something so interesting that it grabs hold of me and I lose track of time, causing me to rush through the other morning ablutions so I can be to work on time.

The reason I had to skip shaving and drink my coffee in the car on the way in to the office was because I stumbled upon a website dedicated to live streetcams of Norway. It's really cool, because you can watch the sun rise or set in Norwegian cities that are thousands of miles and 7 time zones away.

Check it out and see which street cams you like best. Here's a list of some of my favorites:
There's also another list of street cams over at for you to take a look at. But don't let it eat up your whole day because getting out there and experiencing the world around you is just as important as observing it from afar.

1 comment:

MJ said...

Very cool indeed. I can see how that can be a total time suck. Interesting they still have their Christmas trees up.