Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pre-Convention Setup: The Excitement is Building!

The advance team has been here in Fargo for just about 48 hours now and I’ve finally got a few minutes and a quiet corner to bring you the first update from the Sons of Norway International Convention.

Even though the big event is still a few days away, we’re working hard to get everything set up at the hotel and prepare for the influx of Board and Committee members who are coming in tonight and the hundreds of members who will start arriving on Tuesday.
There’s a lot to get done before that happens, which explains why we’ve been so busy. There are delegate bags to be filled, folk art competition to prepare for, flags to be hung, Innovative Leadership Conference items to be unpacked and sorted; the list goes on and on.
The one thing these tasks all have in common is that they add to the excitement and tradition of an International Convention. With each thing we accomplish in the days prior to the convention we know we are getting one step closer the big event. This is where the excitement begins!
Now, over the next few days, be sure to keep checking back here, as well as on our Twitter feed and our Facebook pages to see photos and updates throughout the convention!

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