Thursday, August 23, 2012

Innovative Leadership Conference Recap

I’ve just spent the last day and a half at the first-ever Innovative Leadership Conference, hosted by Sons of Norway of Norway and lead by the very talented David Mann. Let me tell you, if you weren’t able to make it this year you really missed out on a great event and you should definitely consider coming to the next one.

Over the course of the last day and a half, all 180 attendees were taken through a series of exercises designed to make us better communicators, better recruiters, better presenters and better leaders overall.

For me, one of the most engaging moments was when the group discussed the importance of authenticity. We discussed the elements of Authenticity, which include clear language, insight, and combining the desires of our heads and hearts. This is important stuff to know for anyone, no matter what their profession or background, because without authenticity in the way we communicate we’ll never be successful in getting our point across. This, in turn, affects everything we do in Sons of Norway from recruitment and retention to persuading lodge members to try something new or different.

Above all, I was really impressed by the level of engagement shown by our members. In attending this event they all showed the level of their passion for this organization and their dedication to its success. I applaud everyone who came to Fargo for this first-ever event!

If you weren’t able to attend, you can still learn a bit about what we did by visiting Or by visiting our facebook group. I posted a lot of info there and hope you enjoy it! 

Make sure to keep checking back because I'll be posting information from the International Lodge Meeting over the next few days!

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